May 2024
I use the Minimalist Library all the time for my web design projects, and there were a few things in the first version that I was not completely happy with. I have addressed these issues in the second version.
Let me share with you some facts about the next major version of the Minimalist Library for the Blocs app.
Initially, I planned to release version 2.0 of the Minimalist Library in July, but after some consideration, I have decided to postpone all other projects to release version 2.0 on May 28th, 2024.
Starting from the next version, there will be a single unified library. It will be light-themed, but you will be able to switch between the light and dark themes with just a few adjustments to the Global Swatch Manager.
In addition to unifying the libraries, I have removed some sections that were too similar or repetitive and rearranged all of the sections to be in a more organized structure.
These steps have allowed me to significantly reduce the number of sections (from 1350 to about 400), making it much easier to find the section I am looking for at a given time, and greatly improve the performance of the Blocs app (which was starting to have memory issues even on my M1 Pro MacBook Pro).
I have checked every single one of the remaining sections to ensure that the overall design, structure, and mobile optimization is top-notch. I have also reduced the number of custom classes used in the library by about 35% (from about 1000 to just 650, and I am not done yet).
With the coming updates this summer, I will continue to improve the visual design and add some amazing new sections.
I have been considering this since the release day of the first beta version of the library last year, and now I want to make it official. There will be many new updates and major versions of the Minimalist Library for Blocs 5, 6, and beyond, and I am not going to charge anything extra for these updates.
In other words, once you buy the Minimalist Library for Blocs, you can use it for unlimited projects for as long as you want on any version of the Blocs app, be it Blocs 5, Blocs for iPad, or even the upcoming Blocs for iPhone. All future updates will be yours for free.
Posted in Announcements