May 2024

Minimalist Library 2.0 for Blocs

Introducing the second major version of the Minimalist Library for Blocs, the revolutionary solution for creating stunning, responsive websites without coding.

Today, I am pleased to announce the release of the second version of the Minimalist Library for Blocs app, which offers high-quality, fully optimized, and beautifully designed Blocs that can be quickly assembled into a fully responsive and easily customizable website.

Check out the new Blocs Library website →

Login to your Blocs Master account → to access the new version.

Make sure to update the Blocs app to 5.2.4 for the best experience.

The Major Changes for the 2.0 Version:

  • Single unified library with all sections in one place.
  • Quality over quantity, meaning fewer sections of a higher quality.
  • Rebuilt for better performance with 35% fewer custom classes.
  • Four global colors applied to every element and surface.
  • Improved starter template with only the core classes included.
  • New live preview of all sections on the Blocs Library website.
  • New video tutorials on the Blocs Library website.

To read the complete release notes for this version and learn about numerous additional improvements, visit the new Blocs Library Updates page.

Upgrading from Version 1.9 to Version 2.0

Although it is possible to have both 1.9 and 2.0 versions of the library installed on your computer, we highly recommend completely deleting the 1.9 version from your computer and installing the 2.0 version from scratch. To learn how to do that, visit the new Tutorials page to watch a simple video tutorial on how to upgrade.

Using the Version 2.0 with projects created with 1.X

You can use the new version of the library with the older project created using 1.X version of the library, but before adding any new sections, make sure to rename the Global Color swatches Primary and Primary Variant (which were used for brand colors before) to something neutral like Brand and Brand Variant.

Visit Blocs →

Posted in Announcements

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