April 2024

Exciting Updates and Free Volt CMS Course

We are happy to share that our premium Volt CMS Course is now available to everyone for free, plus exciting update is coming to the Minimalist Blocs Library.

I have some fantastic news to share with you today!

We are thrilled to announce that our premium Volt CMS Course, previously exclusive to Blocs Master members, is now available to everyone absolutely free of charge. This comprehensive course covers everything you need to know to create a stunning blogging website using the Blocs app and Volt CMS.

The Volt CMS Course comprises more than 24 high-quality video lessons, totaling over 3.5 hours of tutorials packed with valuable information. As a bonus, you’ll also receive a premium Volt CMS template to help you get started.

Although the course was recorded using Blocs 4, the lessons are structured to ensure you can benefit from them, even if you’re using a newer version like Blocs 5 or Blocs for iPad. For those of you who are new to the Blocs app, we highly recommend watching the Ultimate Blocs 5 Course first to familiarize yourself with the platform.

Minimalist Library 2.0 is coming soon!

We have a lot of exciting updates coming to Blocs Master, Blocs Library, and Blocs Templates in the coming months. In particular, the new version of the Minimalist Library, version 2, will be a free update for all existing customers.

This update will bring significant improvements in performance, user experience, and the quality of hundreds of fully responsive sections, all linked together to make your website-building experience with Blocs smoother and faster than ever before.

Stay tuned for more updates, and don’t forget to take advantage of our free Volt CMS Course to enhance your website-building skills. As always, we’re here to help and support you in your journey with Blocs.

Thank you for being a valued member of Blocs Master community.

Warm regards,

Preview of the Volt CMS Course

The Curriculum


  1. Blogging Options for Blocs App
  2. Writer Premium Blocs Template
  3. 15% Discount for Volt CMS
  4. Detailed Curriculum Download

Part 1. Volt CMS Basics

  1. Installing Volt CMS
  2. Setting Up the Volt Core Bric
  3. Creating a Login & Logout Page
  4. Adding Volt Content Areas
  5. Volt Content Editor Tools Overview
  6. Adjusting Default Content Styles
  7. Using Volt Gallery Bric

Part 2. Setting Up a Volt Blog

  1. Adding a Volt CMS Blog to a Website
  2. Overview of the Blog Post Editor
  3. Optimizing URLs & Setting the RSS Feed
  4. Using the Volt Recent Posts Bric
  5. Adding a Sidebar to the Blog Page
  6. Using the Volt Blog Search Bric

Part 3. Styling the Volt CMS Blog

  1. Overview of the Styling Process
  2. Fine-Tuning the Layout of the Blog Page
  3. Adjusting the Style of Post Titles
  4. Styling the Blog Post Metadata
  5. Adjusting the Social Share Bric
  6. Adjusting the Style of Buttons
  7. Adjusting the Position of Buttons
  8. Styling or Hiding the Page / Post Counter
  9. Optimizing the Margins & Title Sizes
  10. Mobile Optimization, Backup & Final Test

Learn More & Sign Up

Posted in Announcements

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